
Showing posts from September, 2014

O2B: Creating Trigger: How many times my DB is refreshed from planning interface

How many times my DB is refreshed from planning interface?  In order to get answer to this question you have to deploy O2B, create one additional table and a trigger on the Planning Database. Here I am taking an example to create trigger on MS SQL Server, same can be done on the Oracle Db too. Create an additonal table with the Name HSP_LOCK_O2B, this table should have the same set of columns including an additional one for time stamp, its name should be DateAndTime. You can create the following trigger on the HSP_LOCK table: CREATE  TRIGGER For_DB_Refresh_delete ON HSP_LOCK    FOR INSERT          AS    declare @Object_Id int;    declare @Session_Id int;    declare @User_Id int;    declare @Server_Id int;        select @Object_Id=i.Object_Id from inserted i;    select @Session_Id=i.Session_ID from inserted i;    select @User_Id=i.User_ID from inserted i;    select @Server_Id=i.server_id from inserted i;        -- Insert rec

O2B Deployment on Apache Tomcat

No I don't want to touch my existing up and running EPM environment and I want to explore O2B, what should I do? You can Deploy it on any machine, why don't use Apache for that! 1.      Download the Apache Tomcat for windows 32/ 64 bit . Apache Tomcat can be download from the given below URL , for both the 32 bit and 64 bit windows. . You can choose: 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer   2.      Install of the Apache Tomcat -: After the download is finish  and run the Apache setup.   We have to click on  the Service Startup and Native option under the Tomcat , and then click on the next Button. Default the server shutdown port is 8005 and Http / 1.1 Connector Port is 8080 which can be changed  and we can give  a User Name and Password for the installing the Apache Tomcat , it is optional . Select the path for Java Virtual Machine and path should be of Jre , if the JRE or JDK 

What is O2B and How its useful to me?

There are  times when we have to query the Hyperion Planning Application's relational database to get the Auditing reports, alas! we don't have an option to get them from our Planning interface. Many times we have wondered how to get the list of dimension members, data forms, there layouts, users security reports, task list status, supporting details, account annotations etc. Moreover, a report of a Planning's metadata refresh  to essbase, who made it, when was it refreshed last time. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we can get a small report for this? What if I say I have created a simple web based utility which can take care of all this and even more! Ladies and gentleman introducing  our own O2B Utility . Its a utility that is created out of the common needs of every individual who uses Hyperion Planning in some way or the other. 1.  A very simple deployment, you can start be up and running on this utility in minutes, 2.  A lot faster then fetching the reports

Lets Start Working With O2B Utility

There are few things which we need to know about O2B before we go further. There will be two kinds of users for this utility: 1. Admin 2. Reporting Admin user will first setup the environment for all the reporting users. At a time O2B can be connected to one planning application, however admin can change the connection information to different planning application, if needed. This change can be done at run time. O2B Stores the O2B Admin, Reporting user information, JDBC URL and DB related information in files. The only (optional) pre-requisite is to create a System Environment variable which will help you in choosing the default location of the properties file. Remember as its a system variable you need to restart the machine in order to activate the variable. Good part is you can skip that step if you want to, but doing that O2B will automatically create files in a default location (In case of weblogic under domains, in case of Tomcat und

Deployment of O2B on weblogic

O2B Deployment on the Oracle Weblogic Application Server: Its just a war file which can be deployed to any application server. Here I will be helping you with the steps to deploy the O2B war to Oracle WLS. I will be deploying this to an up and running EPM environment, to add more fun, will using this on 8300 port. As its going to complement Hyperion Planning in some way, I found it better to have it on the same port. At the end of this blog you will be able to access this using following link:  http://<servername>:8300/O2B Login to the Weblogic Server After logging in, Click on Deployments link in the left pane:   You see all Libraries and Web applications. Please Click on Lock and Edit and then Click on Install to deploy new web application. Browse to the war file location and select war file   Select the first option, Install this deployment as an application and click Next You can create your own server and cluster, but I am