
Showing posts from 2015

EPMLCM:13000 service not available when importing Planning

I ran in to this issue a couple of times, every time the reason was different and the solution was different. We get this error when we try to take LCM export of the application from Hyperion Shared Services. When shared services try to connect to Hyperion Planning, it internally calls the following servlet: http://<Server>:<Port>/HyperionPlanning/servlet/HspLCMServlet You may get this error when this call fails, it can be because of: 1. Time out the request, 2. Something is blocking this url, 3. Wrong server or port information in the EpmSystem Registry, 4. Because of an internal bug, 5. Something else! :) Here I will be talking about point 3. Situation: My OHS was configured to direct all the traffic using 19000 base port,  its the default port for OHS for EPM system. Because of some reasons I have to reconfigure OHS to 19001 and I have reverted it to 19000. Every thing else was working fine, I can access HSS, Planning Application, Essbase application, r

Unable to open a from Smart View but its working fine from Planning Web

There can be a situation which will take you by surprise at first: When you can open a data from without issues from the Planning Web but when you try to open the same form from Smart view you will end up in Invalid form Error. The solution is not very complicated, you will be able to figure out the solution quite easily by looking at the error message. When smartview parses the xml to get: GetFormSlice as: <res_GetFormSlice><properties massAllocate="0" gridSpreader="0" cellsURLs="0"/><name id=<FrmId> displayName=<FrmName>/><grid> Here: FrmId is the Object_id of the from           FrmName is Object_Name associated with that id Lets look at the data form form Planning web: Its opening fine. When I open the same form, using the same user from Smart View: If you enable logs of smart view: [SVC] [NOTIFICATION:4] [SVC7257] [SVC] [ecid: 00iS34R^PbnFw0zxzP0AJz21HkE0j6YyS0002^g000000,0] Log

Optimizing Report Scripts

Yes, who uses the report scripts now, but sometimes, that is the best option; here I am not going in the debate that which is better Report Scripts, Calc Exports or MDX. This post will only concentrate on what is the best you can do with the report scripts. I myself faced a challenge in which report script was taking a couple hours to export the data, we have to bring it down to the least, here are few observations which I would like to share with all and hope this will save our fellows' time. Following them I was able to cut down the time up to 1/100X: Here are few stages where we can optimize reports: 1. Pre Report Creation Optimization, 2. Formatting Optimization, 3. Member Selection and Grouping Optimization, 4. Report Specific Optimization, Before from the time report is extracted by report extractor and displayed by report viewer, we can do be some updates to the application, this is pre report creations optimization and this will be common for all the

Unable to Start OPMN and Eventually Essbase

I have been the victim of this a couple of times, where everything was installed and configured properly without issues, however when you try to start OPMN it goes off with following error message: Starting opmn and all managed process... opmnctl startall: opmn failed to start. Error --> Process (index=X,uid=X,pid=XXXX)     failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit If you have something in logs, you can find the root cause and rectify the issue. But in some cases, the worst part of the issue is you wont find anything in the logs which will point you in right direction. If you look at Essbase logs, they will go in loop, they will keep on repeating the same information and there will be no error in the logs. One of the reasons: When ever you try to start OPMN it try to bind using loopback address so when loopback address is not mapped with hostname opmn fails to start. Here is a simple solution: You need to make sure there is an entry of 127.0.0