
EPM Oracle Cloud or No Cloud

Oracle EPM Cloud Or No Cloud With Oracle EPM premier support ending in Dec 2021, there are a lot of organizations that are still dealing with questions like: Should we move to  11.2.X Is it the right move Is it possible to move to 11.2.X in such a short span of time Can we move directly with Cloud and never deal with infra issues again What should be our move strategy, would a cloud be able to support our on-prem layout What will be the transition plan If you are asking these questions you are not alone and you are asking the right questions.  For details on support end dates: Organizations are focusing on IT landscape that is leaner and fitter, with reduced Infrastructure deployment and maintenance costs with simpler and faster implementations. Oracle’s survey mentioned that about 78% of organizations who already have one or more EPM processes in the cloud said they would be l

Leadership and Awareness Spectrum

An emotionally intelligent leader is a leader who is aware of his/her emotions and seeing how those impact others. These leaders go beyond being sensible, they are the masters of having difficult conversations, mentoring, and leading during a crisis. There are multiple dimensions of leadership, some of them are useful for building strong teams and others help with being confident, courageous, and compassionate.  On a similar spectrum, for being an emotionally intelligent leader, awareness and self-reflection are considered a few of the key traits of leadership. As per the mixed model of Goleman, he came up with 5 Elements of EI, here are five of his constructs  2 : Self Awareness Self Regulation Social Skill  Empathy  Motivation  Dr. Tasha Euric took a deep dive in Self Awareness and further zoomed in on internal vs external self-awareness. She came up with the below 2x2 self-awareness matrix. Where individuals fall in Pleasers, Skeers, Introspectors, and Aware. It about how well you k

Agile Finance and How Oracle EPM can Assist?

The first thought might be: Agile and Finance, really?  Isn't Finance bounded by statutory guidelines and timelines which finance can't afford to miss?  Is anyone using Agile Finance? If yes, is success envisioned?  How Finance can relate to Agile manifestos?  How to know If I am heading towards Agile Finance?  How EPM can help? We will try to address these in today's blog post. Today, successful CFOs are thinking Agile, they empowered with tools and technology to make informed decisions quickly, adapt to constant change, and implement new strategies with accelerated speed. The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA) surveyed nearly 500 senior finance executives in organizations across the USA and Canada and found that 89% of businesses embracing an agile finance approach are more likely to report positive revenue growth, and 95% are more likely to report increasing profitability 1. Am I magically and logically heading towards Agile finance?

EPM Sales Planning Cloud

Sales Planning - "What you plan now, you will harvest later!" - Og Mandino, Author of The Greatest Salesman in the World Sales planning is about allocating resources, aligning markets, and managing quotas to attain strategic goals by leveraging resources, capabilities, and opportunities. The strategy is executed by resources on the ground level, so it is crucial that the leadership sets achievable-stretch goals by considering drivers such as customer behaviors, market trends, and demographics. An organization is setting itself for failure if reps are not optimistic about their targets or if markets are over or underserved. In theory, it sounds simple to organically grow or balance territories to serve the best client with the best reps, however, bigger the business, more complex it's resource and market allocations become. Quota assignment is both - art and science, in addition to resource and territory assignment one must figure out if a) top-down targets are realistic,

Problem Solving: Chesterton Fence and System Thinking

  Chesterton and Cabrera I am a big proponent of leveraging learnings from different fields and apply them for Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). In today's post, I have picked up insights from - GK Chesterton, a well-known English writer, philosopher, and critic & cognitive scientist - Derek Cabrera. For starters here are some views of Chesterton from his book "The Thing" " There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it."  The simplification of anything is always sensational, and the rewa

Zero Based Budgeting and Why Now?

History of ZERO-BASED Budgeting ZBB is five-decade old concept which was popularized by Pete Pyhrr when he was working as a young manager for Texas Instrument. In his words, “especially in times of economic problems, when you need to make reductions, or when you have significant and rapid technological change.” Here we break the budget down to small categories and then decisions are made on the tradeoffs of what return of investment, what do we lose, and what do we gain with the investment. It is looking at the expenses at a deeper level to derive the cost management and performance management, we are thinking about the resource allocation. In the modern world, we can do what-if and scenario analysis on aligning the resources to different priorities and ensuring they still align with higher corporate strategy and vision. Traversing in Turbulent Times We help our clients thrive in VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) environment by empowering them with word-class perfor

Productivity and Technology Implementation

“It's not going to be an easy ride, there will be rough patches, but we will get there”- said one of the project managers while explaining the benefits of a new technology implementation project kick-off meeting with VPs and C Suite leadership. A few months after project implementation, odds were in his favor, he delivered a quality product, under budget & on time! One can leverage a five-step methodology of Design, Deployment, Stabilization, Improvement, and Transformation to facilitate the expectation discussion.      Figure by: Professor  Dr. Salman A. Mufti,  Smith School of Business, Queens University Truly setting expectations on when a technology implementation will deliver results and when it will start creating impact is the key. During the design phase, most of the stakeholders are closely involved, the team is talking about the future and shaping future blueprints. This raises expectations, anticipation and magnifies the positive impact the implementat