
Members not Available Under Page Selection in Data Form

We have faced a couple of issues which were related to this topic and root cause for all of them was the same. Issue: In a data form when you go for page member selection, it shows one default member but if you want to change the page member, there are no options! In this situation you will check the data form layout and try to see what  is the selection criteria in our case especially entity. Our layout was correct, value for this variable was "Total Entity", it should show all options. We looked at the grid properties, there was no suppression on. Even recreation of form didn't help. Finally, we figured even if we don't check any suppression option in Data form layout, PBCS/EPBCS still consider the Valid Intersections. We fixed the valid intersections and got our members back for Page selection. Cheers..!! Rahul S.

Improve Assets in ePBCS Capex Model

In today's post we will talk about improve asset OOB feature of ePBCS' Capex Model. Let's take a use case where we have an existing building and we are planning to improve that building by adding a conference room and a stairwell. We have multiple ways to improve that asset, some of them are: 1. Plan for two new assets using add new asset rule under investments or 2. Using Improve Asset feature Here will talk about the second approach, if you want to use improve asset functionality you have to think through following asset structure Existing Building ABC     - Existing Building ABC Base     - ABC Conference Room     - ABC Stairwell Let's take a step by step approach to achieve such scenarios: Assuming from our Actual source system we got just one existing asset Existing Building ABC, if you are try to improve asset you will probably run to following issue: Error occurred during pre processing of business rule. Cannot add member <> as it's

BYOCOA Part 2: Enabling Accounts and Drivers Option

If you have landed on this page, you may want to look at this blog post which talks about new features of ePBCS Financial where you can bring in your chart of accounts instead of trying to fit in your chart of accounts with OOB. Let's start with first option where you have just enabled accounts option: After enabling above option, you will find following members in Account hierarchy: If you truly want to use your own set of account, this option is of no major use, because it still creates above accounts. Though you are saving on number of drivers.  If you want to check number of accounts, just for expense it creates 169 compare to 26 when you are not going with out of box accounts at all.  On the positive side, it still creates old hierarchies of drivers, probability of running into issues will be little lower as compared to going without Accounts or Drivers.  Now let's just check drivers and related account option option: I am

ePBCS Financials: Finally, Bring Your Own Chart of Accounts (BYOCOA)!

     ePBCS 18.2, a release to remember! We were waiting for this release quite anxiously, this is filled with a lot of bug fixes and a few new features. It solves one of the biggest Financial Model’s problem which I am sure any one who has either implemented or trying to implement must have faced.  How to bring in your chart of account and how to make it work with out of box(OOB) Account hierarchy ?  In above aspect, there were quite a few issues, some of them but not limited to: You have to map your COA with OOB Account categories Completely ignore OOB and start creating your own rollup and deal with consequences Go hybrid with the combination of above two Use existing members and Rename alias Add/Delete option disabled for member creation and deletion (Because of obvious reasons),  It creates a lot of additional unused accounts, leads to additional increased block size If you dont want to confuse planners with additional unused hanging accounts, deal wi

The Member Does Not Exists For The Specified Cube

The member "" does not exist for the specified cube or you do not have access to it. Issue:  If you are running into a issue, where for a RTP member selection is throwing an error for a missing member, this regardless of the member you have selected in RTP or regardless of rule. You may be able to execute the rule from Calc Manager and not from Planning. Reason: You may run into this issue if: 1. You have added members in Planning and have not refreshed the cube 2. For the default value of a RTP in calc member you have a member which is not valid any more for planning application 3. For the default value of a RTP in calc member you have a member which is not valid any more for a plan type Solution: 1. Refresh cube 2. Update Default value of RTP which is causing issue to member which exists 3. Deploy the rule Rahul S.

Multiple Navigation Flows are Active

We have witnessed an issue where application migration or sometimes service restart in PBCS/EPBCS activates multiple navigation flows.  If multiple navigation flows are active you wont be able make changes in any of them, because in order to make change in navigation flow you have to make it inactive. Typically you may end up in following situation:  Solution is pretty simple: 1. Create a copy of any of the existing navigation flow:  2. Give it any desired name:  3. Now, you will see one additional navigation flow, with inactive status: 4.  Make it active: 5.  At this point of time you will have one active navigation flow and two inactive  6. Select the additional navigation flow you have created and delete it  7. Now you are back in business: Rahul S.

PBCS ASO Cubes are not Showing up in On Prem FDMEE

If you are using On Prem FDMEE to connect with PBCS/EPBCS you may run into the issue where ASO cubes are not showing up in On Prem FDMEE. In order to solve this issue you have to go to PBCS Data Management and create a ASO Target Application. Once this application is created, ASO cube should show up in On Prem FDMEE. 1. Go to Data Management in PBCS 2. Click on Add, select Local  3. Select Essbase from the drop down 4. ASO Cubes will show up with "A" and "A_ "  prefix  5. Save the ASO Target Application, you should see it as essbase application 6. Now login to On Prem FDMEE , you should see ASO cube in the list now: Rahul S.