Calculation Scripts:- Session 4
Consolidation Order: Lets understand how Essbase calculates
the value of members when
they are calculated using hierarchical Calculations.
As per hierarchy A will be calculated here as:
A = A1 * A2 / A3 % A4 + A5
Here we will get 44 as the value of A, here is the answer is different from our BODMAS
because Essbase follows Top Down Approach
to calculate the values, if you want to define it
then it actually:
A = ((((A1 * A2) / A3) % A4) + A5);
But their is a easier way to undestand it, yeah Top Down Approach:
Above example gives us the consolidation order in a simple hierarchy. Lets calculate the same
in our our hierarchy which we were using
since beginning, before we do that lets add some
complexity to it. Here
I will be adding three more members with consolidation property as
below COGS:
In above outline when we will be calcuating Margin with few test values then flow will be like
Theoretical Flow of Calculation:
Step 1: Control will go to 1 the consolidation operator will become the
sign of member. ex: if the
value is 50 and operator is + then value will
remain 50, if the operator is - then value will be
(-50), if any other
operator is encountered as the first operation then the value at first
child is
ignored in the calculation. In our Example 10,000 is still
10,000 because the consolidation
operator is +.
Step 2: Value from Step one i.e. 10,000 with operated with
"Third party" with consolidation
operator as + value became
15,000 now in temp memory.
Step 3: Value from Step two (15,000) is operated with "IC"'s
value which is 3000 with
consolidation operator +, now the value is 18000.
Step 4: Control comes to "Sales" where the value 18000 is assigned
to "Sales".
Step 5: Once the First first child of Margin is calculated control goes to
first child of Second
child of Parent, in our case its Labor as this
one is the first child of its parent rule mentioned in
the first
step will come into picture and value will remain +1000.
Step 6: Value of RawMaterial is added to Labor and kept in temp.
Step 7: value from above calculation is added to Overhead.
Step 8: The value is stored in COGS.
Step 9: Value of COGS is subtracted from Sales and stored in Margin.
Types of Data Storage and how they are realted to
Essbase provides 6
data storage types, Each has its own properties, as we mentioned earlier
we will keep on discussing these member types, lets discuss Label Only and
Dynamic Calc
Members for now ( Other later when will make an actual sense
to us).
Label Only: These members do no
actually store data, they are created for giving more sense
to our
outline, for grouping members, for ease of navigation and reporting
purposes. When we
try to retrieve the value for a label member
it always give us the value of its first child. In other
label only members has a pointer to the data of its first child.Label
Only members cant
be Level 0, i.e. they should have child below
them. Let take an example: I have created three
here the value for NA1's Opening Inventory For Jan is 100, if we lock and send
this data back
to essbase and then when try to retrieve the data we will get 100 for the Label only inventory as
Dynamic Calc Members: These types of members are calculated on the fly when their value
is requested rather during batch
calculation process. We need not to run any calculation to get
the values for these members. In our example, Sales has three child which aggregates to give
the values for these members. In our example, Sales has three child which aggregates to give
us the values of sales, here if we make Sales as Dynamic Calc then we need not to execute
default calc, or any script to calculate the value for this member. I did the same for COGS, and
there is no point of having Dynamic Calc Member consolidating to Stored Member so we
Now the moment send any values for Children of Sales and COGS, the moment you will try to
retrieve the data it will calculate the values of Sales, Cogs and Margin automatically. yeah we
Here comes the last topic of this session, in our last session
we talked about CALC ALL and
AGG, here is AGG in detail:
AGG: This command consolidates database values on the basis of
hierarchical relationship
defined in the database outline but when we AGG our
database it ignores all the member
formulas, It is just a consolidation of
members.We cannot AGG Dense Dimension. When a
dimension contains less than six
consolidation levels, AGG is
typically faster than CALC. Otherwise, the CALC command is usually
faster on dimensions with six or more levels.
AGG("Entity", "Product" );
We can Aggregate single or list of dimensions using AGG command.
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