"Smart View handled an unknown exception thrown by Microsoft Office" Error on Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2008

My MS-Office Components are Crashing After Installing Smart View on Vista, Windows 7,

Windows 2008!

This is one more one pretty common issue,
 "Smart View handled an unknown exception

thrown by Microsoft Office." This is actually a known issue in version If you look at

the read me of Smart View you will find bug# 11696583 "On Vista, Windows 2008, and

Windows 7 operating systems, Excel may terminate abruptly upon launching after you install

Smart View. Workaround: Turn off “User Access Control” in User Accounts, available from the

Control Panel."

Here is the link to read me:


When the User Access Controls are on Smart View faces problem in registering, when you set

it off Smart View register itself like a charm. To have more information on UAC:


Now, when you already installed Smart View with UAC On then here goes the way to get rid of

this error:

1. Uninstall Smart View,

2. Go to Control Panel-> User Accounts (If you are unable to find User accounts then change

the view from top right corner to Large Icons),

3. Change User Account Control Settings, change it to off by scrolling the scroll bar to bottom,

4. Reinstall Smart View,

5. Check if its working fine now. 


Rahul S.



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