Sequential Internal Web Requests When We are Performing LCM
To perform LCM we all
know that we go to shared services so the first http request which comes
into picture is:
It is the first .jsp
page which we access when we try logging in our Shared Services, When you try
to log on, it a POST request (POST submits data to be processed to the
identified resource. The data is included in the body of the request. So
essentially GET is used to retrieve remote data, and POST is used to
insert/update remote data.) :
Once you are in you
can see: Application Management and under which there are User Directories,
Application Groups and File System, these are populated when we have GET
/interop/casresources/resources_en.js and POST: /interop/framework/cas/initAction
/interop/casresources/resources_en.js and POST: /interop/framework/cas/initAction
Now when we expand the
Application Groups:
/interop/framework/cas/expandProjects /interop/framework/cas/listProjects
/interop/framework/cas/expandProjects /interop/framework/cas/listProjects
When we expand
Planning Group:
When you click on
Planning Application to list Artifacts:
Lets say you have
Expanded Plan Types from the Artifacts list:
Select the artifacts
which you want to migrate and when you click on Define Migration, its a source
Select Destination,
say we have selected file system and saved the file as
Then comes the
migration summary page:
Once you will click on
Execute Migration:
Then when you click on
Launch Migration Report:
When you click on
refresh on the Migration report the request which goes is:
Rahul S.
Rahul S.
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