Conflicting Access Rights

Conflicting Access Rights
 There are various ways to assign access to a member in Hyperion Planning and type of
access can be read, write or none. Lets take an example:

1. Direct access can be assigned to a user/group for member N1,
2. An Inherited access can be assigned to a user/group for AllEntities,North; Inheritance option
for a particular members are:
2a. Children
2b. Children (Inclusive)
2c. Descendants 
2d. Descendants (Inclusive)
Few Rules:

Individual Rights Supersedes Group Rights:-Access given to a user directly supersedes the
access inherited from the associated group. Ex:
a. If Group 'GrpPlanner' has the read access for member N1 and a user 'Planner1' who is the
part of 'GrpPlanner' has also assigned  write access for N1 then Planner1 will have the write
access for N1  
b. If 'GrpPlanner' has the write access for N1 and a user 'Planner1' also has a direct read
access for N1 then Planner1 will have the read access to N1.

None Access Takes Precedence Over Read or Write and Write Takes Precedence
Over Read:- If a user is a part of two groups and groups have different access for a member
then none access takes precedence over read or write and write takes precedence over read. 
Lets assume that our user Planner1 is a part of two groups 'GrpPlannerCatA' and
a. If GrpPlannerCatA has none access for N1 and GrpPlannerCatB has read access for N1
then Planner1 will have none access for N1.
b. If GrpPlannerCatA has none access for N1 and GrpPlannerCatB has write access for N1
then Planner1 will have none access for N1.
c. If GrpPlannerCatA has read access for N1 and GrpPlannerCatB has write access for N1
then Planner1 will have write access for N1.

Direct Member Rights Supersedes Inherited Member rights:- Rights assigned directly to a
member overrides the inherited rights. Ex:-
a. Planner1 has none access for descendants inclusive to North and has direct read access to
N1 then Planner1 will have read access to N1.
b. Planner1 has read access for descendants inclusive to North and has direct write access to
N1 then Planner1 will have write access to N1.
c. Planner1 has write access for descendants inclusive to North and has direct read access to
N1 then Planner1 will have read access to N1.
Rahul S.


  1. I am in love with you blogs..

    - A motivated passionate hyperion learner

  2. Hi Rahul,

    I need some clarification on your statement "None Access Takes Precedence Over Read or Write and Write Takes Precedence Over Read"
    As per
    the least restrictive access takes precedence. Eg: Read takes precedence over Write.
    Could you please confirm.

  3. Yes, Its different for Shared Members. Its a good point you raised here, I should have included it in the blog :).

    If access is provided directly at member and at parent level at Planning artifact level in Planning then in general following rules will be applied;
    Direct Member Rights Supersedes Inherited Member rights:- Rights assigned directly to a
    member overrides the inherited rights. Ex:-
    a. Planner1 has none access for descendants inclusive to North and has direct read access to
    N1 then Planner1 will have read access to N1.
    b. Planner1 has read access for descendants inclusive to North and has direct write access to
    N1 then Planner1 will have write access to N1.
    c. Planner1 has write access for descendants inclusive to North and has direct read access to
    N1 then Planner1 will have read access to N1.

    "None Access Takes Precedence Over Read or Write and Write Takes Precedence Over Read" This rule will come into picture if a user is a part of two groups.

    Rahul S.


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